Monday, May 30, 2005

He laughs!

A real belly laugh at last. Guess who got the first laugh? Desiree's boyfriend! I got the second one though. Calum and I are enjoying our days. He's been really cuddly lately so I'm getting a lot of hugs. He's really starting to respond to us too. He likes it when I play with him and his stuffed animals - Murphy the turtle and Shelly the snail. Yup, we have some great stories about Murph, Shell and Calum. Mostly, the stories involve one of them sitting on his head or tickling his toes.

Don was away over the weekend - off for a stag party for my brother-in-law. Calum missed his dad. At night he would be reaching out his little hand looking for his heat source. I'm afraid he had to make do with his mommy. Luckily it was hot or I would have had a very fussy boy.

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