Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mother's Day

It's hard to believe that Calum is getting so big so quickly. Or maybe not, the kid does eat a whole lot. Sometimes it feels like we spend all of our time feeding him, sleeping and changing diapers. Oh, mustn't forget doing laundry too. That's a never ending task these days.

We had a good week last week but it was too quiet with the girls in Kamloops. Calum had his second appointment with the audiologist to get his hearing tested. I've decided that I hate the tests. It's very difficult to calibrate the machines to do the test and your baby has to be sleeping and very still if the results are to be accurate. While Calum is a good boy he is a bit of a wiggly squiggly one and once he wakes up you can forget about him keeping still. We got the left ear tested before he woke up but had trouble once again getting him to settle long enough to test the right. We ended up doing a quick version of the test and he passed on both ears meaning he can hear from both but the numbers were a bit low on the right ear. We will have to wait till he is 9 months before we test again but I'm not very concerned. He certainly responds to our voices now and still startles at the least bit of sound.

I've been having fun dressing Calum up in his big boy clothes now that he is big enough to fit them. He sometimes goes through 3-4 outfits a day and with Don at work and the kids at school I am the only one who really gets to see them all. We also take a few walks during the week. I've learned to streamline the diaper bag depending on the length of the trip but once forgot his sucky so we only managed a short trip before we had to return.

I'll be back at work next month and I'm starting to see how much we have to do before then. Calum still doesn't like sleeping in his crib, napping without someone holding him, using a bottle except in case of emergency and being left out of anything you do. I've got to get him better able to cope without me so that poor Don doesn't have a really tough time of it. Calum and I spend almost 24 hours a day together now so it will be a big shock for him. I guess I'll have to start letting Don ease into looking after him for a few hours a day just so we can all make the adjustment. It will be hard to return to work so quickly but I also am starting to miss doing things outside of the house and having a short time to myself during the day. I barely have time to download my email these days - forget about reading it. It's funny because you'd think I have a lot of time during the day but my schedule is dictated by Calum and he doesn't like it when I'm on the computer.

Speaking of, I have Don watching him for awhile but want to get a few things done before he gets hungry again. For all you mothers out there, I hope you had a happy Mother's Day. We had a nice time at home with our family and Calum was extra sweet today.

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