Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Work - Day 1

I am back at work as of today. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I wasn't able to get a computer this morning at the office [limited seating only folks] so I worked from home. It was a nice way to ease back into it for all of us I think. I took a little time off in the morning to go with Don and Calum to his check-up and had a few breaks for feedings and play-time/lunch. Luckily I started before 5 am this morning and even with the Calum breaks I can now wrap up for the day. Don and Calum faired well - plenty of nappings and ticklings by the sound of things. Tomorrow I will be in the office in the morning so it will be the first real test of Calum having to drink from the bottle again. All I can say is I hope Don gets a lot of sleep tonight.

Oh, Calum had a great check-up today. He is healthy and happy. He weighs 13 lbs now and is on track in terms of his weight and just a little under in his height [I don't agree though as I think he is a big boy]. So, he is almost double the weight he was when he was born. We [read me] got a bit of a reprimand from the doctor for not bringing him in for his immunization shots yet. You are supposed to do it at 2 months and he is almost 3 but I just couldn't do it and Don's been pretty busy so I thought he could help this month. It turns out that they are so busy it will be mid-July before he gets them done. It's hard for me to see the little tears in his eyes, I don't know how I'll handle him being in any real pain.

My parents were visiting yesterday so I'll get Don to post some pictures tonight. Calum had a good visit with his Nanny and Poppa but he was a sleepy little boy and not his usual talkative self. Luckily he and my mom had a good chat on the phone the day before. I've got to talk to him about his "inside voice" though. Everything he says, he says with gusto. What a funny little guy!

Don's probably going through computer withdrawl so I'd better get off for the day. He somehow managed to sneak a few calls into the office today and was down on his computer for awhile. Oh, and I had to kick a certain someone off the computer at 2am last night. I figure that by the time he relaxes and gets used to being away from the office, it will be time for him to return. Calum's going to enjoy the time with his dad though so I'm sure they will both do great.

Better go - one final thing, Calum loves the pinwheel I bought him. He will sit and stare at it for hours if I let him. I wish that they were always this easy to please.

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