Friday, January 14, 2005

I passed!

Whew - I passed the GTT test without any problem. The doctor was happy with everything, especially the baby’s growth. She showed me where the head is at – which is currently pretty much in the middle of my belly. I guess that all those things I thought were kicks could either be that or punches. I'm picturing our boy as a pretzel right about now. She said that she won’t worry about the position until we get closer to the due date – or around 36 weeks at the earliest. Next week will be 30 weeks so it won’t be long.

At this point it looks like I won’t need another ultrasound. I’ll have another couple of blood tests later on and after my next appointment [in 3 weeks time] I will be visiting the doctor every second week. As she is very busy and I usually end up waiting for at least an hour each visit I guess I can count on seeing a lot of her waiting room. Usually there are a few other expectant mothers to talk to or babies to entertain us. The magazines are so old that very few people bother to read them. I usually load my latest work documents on my palm and just read and edit while I wait so at least I get some work done.

Not much else to report except on the “stuff” front. Thanks to some friends, the little one now has more stuff. They’ve leant us some really cool things like a swing, a doorway jumper, a bouncer saucer, a boppy and a car seat/carrier. Their little guy, Simon, will be one soon and is now walking around and keeping his mom and dad busy.

I also got a great deal on a Baby Bjorn carrier on Ebay. I spoke to mom a while ago and she’s made another sweater and is in the process of making a blanket. Pretty soon the girls are going to get a little upset that the baby has so much stuff. Right now they are happy to play with it all though. They got the swing going and the cat was very suspicious of it. Wonder what she will think of it when there is a crying baby in it. I think she’s going to spend a lot of her time hiding in our office. We also got a subscription to "Todays Parent" magazine that came with a coupon offer we got while out shopping before Christmas. I don't know if I'll read them but at least I can always hand them off to my sister for her daycare or headstart program [and they are free].

We’ve been discussing some names again. I seem to be on a letter “C” phase – I’ve suggested Cullen, Conner, Calvin, Cody, Cohen and Callum. I like Callum the best so far but there are a lot of variations of pronunciation – KAL-um, CALL-um and COL-um. I prefer the first but better check out the Scottish pronunciation or my father-in-law may be constantly correcting us if we opt for that. In non-C names I also like Grayson, Myles and Quentin. Don still seems to be hoping I’ll agree to Jesus but thankfully someone pointed out the other pronunciation of this name [something like Heh-zeus]. Now I'm off to rest a bit before getting back to work. I got very little sleep last night because someone decided they wanted to get in shape for the visit to the doctor and was moving about so much I couldn't get comfortable. I'm really hoping he decides to come a few weeks early so that Don and the girls can start sharing in my fun.

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