Friday, January 28, 2005

Books, books, books

Another parcel arrived today from the book club. I've pretty much got a whole shelf full of books for the baby now. It's a good start but there are just so many more books out there that I'm sure he's going to need. The funny thing is, the only toys he's got so far have come from the grandparents [a shelf full of stuffed animals] and one lone little wooden plane that I picked up at a craft sale. Some of his books are very versatile though - they squeek, rattle, crinkle and come with things like mirrors, soft bits, shiny bits, hard bits, etc. I suppose my next shopping trip will be for some toys.

I'm beginning to think we may have a few too many clothes. We've filled up his dresser already and have a whole area in the closet dedicated to his clothes. I am happy that we decided to get a range of sizes though. The best stuff seems to be in the 6 month range. My dad and brother-in-law will be happy to know he already has a fishing outfit, complete with vest and hat. Mom and I will appreciate the nautical themed clothes and the overalls. They remind me very much of my brother when he was a baby. I'm holding off on purchasing the summer stuff though. I've no idea what size he will fit in July and August. I must get more hats too, if only to annoy Don my-boy-isn't-wearing-those Bain. Some friends and I at work are also talking about getting him a doll. Mind you, I think Desiree and Dakota would object more to that than Don simply because they were never interested in those things.

Hope you all have a good weekend [cough, cough]. I'm hoping we do too [sniffle, sniffle].

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