Monday, January 24, 2005

Another week gone

Another week has passed! We had a fairly restful weekend. On Saturday, we went out to pick up the change table that we had ordered after Christmas and decided that we needed a nice rocker/recliner/swivel chair, for the baby of course. Sears was having a nice sale so we managed to find something fairly quickly. Unfortunately, it won't arrive till March but at least it should arrive before the baby.

Don picked up a few more DVDs. Donald Duck made it into his selection too so the baby has a growing collection of his own. We watched a few more episodes of 24. The plot on that show has so many twists and turns I'm loosing track. Of course, it could have something to do with the fact that I fell asleep part way through an episode and had to get Don to give me the Coles notes version of the plot.

I did a bit more shopping for the baby during the week. I noticed a decided lack of t-shirts in the clothes I had been buying so stocked up on a few of those. I have another item I should look into but am very reluctant to buy. I know I want to give the baby the "natural stuff" for as long as possible but breast pumps look a bit too much like torture devices for me to want to comtemplate them. I'll just wait a little longer.

Don has threatened to put a blocker on the channel that airs "Birth Stories" on t.v. Everytime I watch them I have a new story for him. Last week, one doula likened the experience of giving birth to trying to get your car out of a snowbank. You keep trying and trying to get the thing out until suddenly out it comes. That doesn't sound too bad. But she added that of course, you have to endure the feeling of your lower half feeling as though it were a ring of fire first. Another thing I think I won't contemplate until I absolutely have to.

Dakota is home today. She informed us last night that it is a Pro-D day for her teachers, and oh yeah, there was a notice for parents but she forgot it at school. It seems like the kids have at least one of these a month so we shouldn't be surprised. Thank goodness she's old enough to entertain herself. Unfortunately though, that usually means she will spend her day in front of the tv or playing X-Box or PS2. I've got a busy day ahead though so as long as she's occupied I'm happy.

Speaking of which, I'd better get started. I hope that you all have a good start to your week.

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