Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Some excitement

Calum and I have been keeping ourselves occupied. Yesterday we spent an extra hour at the Old DC playing outside with the kids. None of them wanted to leave and all of the parents were pulling them away when it was time to go home. After we left, we had to look for ladybugs and it was a good day - we found 2. We then went home and played in the backyard for awhile before going to the mall and the "park". The park is only the playground at a nearby elementary school but Calum likes it there. On our way across the field, a little girl came running over straight to Calum and gave him a big (picture a headlock) hug. Calum was surprised and a bit shy but as she walked away he kept looking back. Then another girl went running by saying hello and goodbye. Calum had to say goodbye to her too. I teased him about it later and he smiled - guess he can't help it if the girls already like him.

When we got home we found a raccoon on the back deck. It was happily napping on a chair so we rushed inside then tried to scare it away by yelling out the window. That didn't work so we resorted to spraying it with water. We had a good close up view of it though so Calum got to learn about why we leave them alone (big teeth) and why we don't want them in the yard (fight with the cat).

We had a restless night - much tossing and turning by Calum so we got up at 5am. By 6 he was hungry but only wanted pudding (I know, most important meal of the day, etc. but I was just happy he was going to eat something) and we had the wrong kind. We got dressed and made our way to the grocery store where Calum happily carried the basket (almost tripping on it the whole way) and got his pudding. He also stopped for a donut which he insisted on paying for with the change we had put in his pocket (he likes having some money on hand already).

Now he's at the Old DC and I'm back at work. It seems like we've already put a full day in but it's only just beginning. Luckily, Don will be home tonight so maybe Calum will sleep better.

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