Sunday, June 10, 2007

Busy weekend

We had a busy weekend. The girls were working (both very busy) and Don, Calum and I kept pretty busy despite the rain. Yesterday I got my present early - a GPS. I've wanted one for awhile, as we've wanted to start geocaching. As soon as we got it Calum and I tried it out (never used a GPS before). We loved being able to tell Don what speed we were going, to tell Dakota how high above sea level we were and Calum liked being able to see where we were in relation to where Grandpa, Grandma and Buddy live.

Today Don, Calum and I went to Central Park (in Burnaby) to try it out. We tried to find 3 sites. Geocaches are small hidden boxes (can vary in size from a film canister to a tupperware container) that people hide small items in and provide GPS coordinates and hints for you to find them. These are all posted on the web at We told Calum that we were looking for treasure and he quite liked that idea. We found one and had a lot of fun doing it. The second one we looked for may have been muggled (disturbed by non-geocacher) because we couldn't find it and the third one we were close to but Calum had enough and wanted to go home. We had fun in Central Park though, we saw a lot of squirrels, ducks and dogs.

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