Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Thank you, Mama

Calum has learned to say "Thank you" and he uses it a lot. There is something very cute about hearing him say it.

We've had a quiet week so far. Calum continues to be a bit off though - he doesn't want to go to sleep and Don and I have had to resort to a few late night drives to get him to drift off. Last night he didn't want to go to sleep and then woke up with the sun - much too early. He finally fell back to sleep, sometime after 6:30 and slept till 8:30. Lucky for us, the daycare is across the street. He was very happy though, he had all of the kids shooting webs and jumping. Don and I are getting a cold again so the lack of sleep is making for some very long days.

Tonight, we are off to run errands and do some shopping. I'm going to try to keep him as busy as possible to tire him out.

Oh, one funny Mother's Day story. Calum and I went to buy some flowers for Grandma Bain. He was very happy about it. He picked them out, carried them around the store and was very careful the whole time. When we got home he told me that they were his flowers and he wanted to keep them. I convinced him to take them for a ride to Grandma and Grandpa's and once he saw Buddy he was over the flowers and ready to give them away.

Hope you are all having a good week.

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