Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Save the spiders

I hate to admit it but I used to be as likely to squish a spider or a bug if it crossed my path as I was to let it free. Now, thanks to Calum's fascination with bugs I just can't do it. Today, thanks to Calum, the big spider I found crawling along the floor is now happily spinning a web in the yard. He finds insects very interesting. As you can see from our photos, he has a bug net and also a bug container. We brought it to daycare one morning and spent about 15 minutes looking for bugs outside. We managed to find a few ants but none of the other kids were really impressed. Calum likes ladybugs and spiders but will happily play with anything he can find.

We brought Calum's library books to the Old DC one morning. They are chapter books, meant for bigger kids but he loves them. They were, of course, about Spiderman and Batman. I had to read them and realized I had to make them appropriate for other kids. How do you explain villains and bad guys to toddlers? Calum just calls them meanies and cheers for the hero. I had no idea what some of these kids had been exposed to so I had to make up the story - Spidey caught a lot of meanies and they all had to apologize for not minding their manners. Luckily, most of the kids politely listened for a few minutes then went off to do other things.

We spent the day at doctors appointments. Another rescheduled hearing test, only to find he has another ear infection so it was off to the clinic. The doctor checked him over and said his sinuses are backed up, causing fluid build up in his ears, and so on. I was worried after he woke up last night and wouldn't settle. We have some nasal spray and antibiotics and it will be another round of appointments in a few weeks to make sure the infection is gone and we can go in for a proper hearing test. We haven't managed one yet.

More news when we have it.

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