Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Time for a little update?

Sorry that it's been awhile. We've been busy with everyday things and frankly I haven't felt much like blogging with the weather starting to get better (well, it WAS better), the flowers coming out and Calum wanting to get outside all of the time.

We had a quiet time while Don was out of town. Calum kept us busy and we all went out to do a little shopping for pre-Easter gifts. Calum got some paint, a colouring book and a bubble machine. Nanny and Papa, he's painted his first pictures for you! I'll put them in the mail soon. Grandma and Grandpa Bain better clear some room on their fridge too because he really likes painting now. While we were out shopping we also started looking for a wedding outfit for him. He may soon be the proud owner of his first tux. Danica and Calum are really going to charm everyone.

On the day Don came back from Victoria Calum learned to blow kisses. It's very cute but is he still pretty selective about when he gives them. He also has decided that everyone at daycare is funny and the staff have told us that he will point at the other kids and start laughing as though only they were in on the joke. We are still making progress on the walking. He is a very cautious boy and likes to be close to walls, furniture and most importantly his Mama. He can go pretty fast when he wants to, which is mostly when he is trying to get away from me and into his sisters' rooms.

I'm in the mood to take more pictures so check back during the long weekend. We will have plenty more new pics.

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