Thursday, April 06, 2006

Another ear infection

Calum had a fever and his ears were both draining yesterday. I had to pick him up early from daycare. We went straight to the clinic and had the same doctor again. He is really reluctant to prescribe anything other than sinus medicine and time but I insisted this time and now Calum is on a 3 day antibiotic regime. Last night he had a fever of 102. He was wide awake from 2-4:30am so Don and I are extremely tired today.

I kept him home with me today and his fever is gone and ears seem a lot better. He still is cranky and tired so he will be home with me again tomorrow. Poor little guy. The doctor said that some kids are just prone to ear infections. He hasn't been much interested in food but he had a good lunch and is now sound asleep. I'm going to try to get some chores done before he wakes up.

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