Friday, January 20, 2006

He did it!

A bottle at last. Calum woke up at his usual 3am and wouldn't settle down as he wanted to play. I tried feeding him but he just kept wanting to play. Finally I gave up, got up and made a bottle. It took a few minutes but he grabbed hold, latched on and sucked away. He drank a whole 4.5 ounces, a lot considering he had just been nursing for a half hour. He was so proud of himself too. He first tried to share with me then called out to dad and offered him some. Only after Don praised him did he go back to sleep, bottle in hand. Now, unfortunately, I'm wide awake. Oh well, a nice quiet morning and a good time to get a start on my work day. Happy Friday all and a belated happy birthday to Nicola and Clint.

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