Friday, January 27, 2006

Arrrghhh, again

Calum's ear drained again yesterday. We've got him back on the drops. He seems fine, a little cranky at night. He's been sneezing and has a runny nose again. I hope it's all related and not another cold. Seems some kids at daycare also have runny noses. I made an appointment with his doctor for a general check up but wasn't able to get one till next Tuesday. Let's hope we don't have another trip to the clinic or the Children's Hospital in the meantime. As long as he seems fine otherwise, we will keep an eye on it and see what his doctor says.

Pro-D day for the girls. This means I won't see Desiree and Dakota will laze about watching tv and chatting online. Hmm...sounds nice. Well, back to work.

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