Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Pass the peas please

Yesterday I gave Calum his first real taste of baby food. We decided on the peas and guess what? He likes them! We made a big mess and I only gave him a little but I think he's going to like his big boy food. I also tried a bit of an experiment. I gave him his juice in a sippy cup and a bottle. He managed to get a few sips out of the cup but had more success with the bottle. The little stinker. He can too drink from a bottle, he just chooses not to.

Yesterday we took Dakota to the dentist. She got her front tooth capped and had the root of the broken one removed. She got to keep the root and has been showing it to everyone. It's huge! It was all done within an hour. Her next appointment will be worse. I'll spare you all the details but I sure wouldn't want to have it done. Today is picture day and she's not too happy about having a picture with the new gap where her old tooth used to be. Retakes are next month though so it's not that bad.

Our poor household seems to have been hit by every cold and flu bug this year. Don is not feeling well now. It came on rather suddenly and he's been feeling awful for a couple of days. He only managed about half an hour on his computer yesterday so I know he is sick. Flu season has arrived.

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