Monday, September 05, 2005

He likes it!

We went to the Newton Wave Pool on Friday. Our niece, Jenny, was visiting and we had promised to bring her. I decided that it was a good time to introduce Calum to the pool. While he wasn't jumping up and down, he wasn't complaining either. I think he liked it, especially when he got to touch the bubbles and watch the other babies. The only challenging part was when we were finished and I had to change him. The change room had only 1 high change table and a cage like structure to put them in while you change. I made the mistake of leaving his shirt on too so it was hard to get the wet things off. Then when he was changed I was still wet and I wasn't about to put him in the cage thing. One poor kid was already in there and she had fallen once already and hit her little head. Next time I bring the stroller in with me.

Calum seems to have developed a few little red bumps on his arm and leg. Last week we asked the nurse about them but she just told us to watch them and take him to his doctor if they got worse. He's not complaining any - not itchy, no fever - so we watched. Finally on Saturday I decided they looked a bit more irritated and we brought him into the clinic. I'm not entirely convinced that the doctor was certain but he said Calum had a virus called molluscum [related to the pox family]. He told us that they would go away eventually and not to worry. Well, we did some searching on the net when we got home and while a lot of babies seem to get it, it doesn't sound pleasant. These red spots eventually blister and then dry up. The not so nice sounding part is that I read stories from parents that said it took months for them to go away. Is Calum supposed to go around with these spots for that long?

A few parents recommended covering them with medical tape or bandages to avoid the infant scratching or spreading them. I don't know if it will work but we decided to try. Calum now has little bits of white medical tape on his arm and leg and anywhere else I saw something suspicious. So far, no new spots. You are supposed to leave the tape on for a week but I think I'll give it another day or two and bring him in to see his regular doctor. He supposed to start swimming next Saturday and I need to know if it is okay for him to go in the water while he has them.

Wish us luck.

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