Monday, March 21, 2005

Huzzah for Baby Bjorn!

Okay, decided to try out the Baby Bjorn carrier today so I could strap my snuggle bunny to me and still get something done. Wonder of wonders, it works and Calum is sleeping peacefully at the moment. It also has the added bonus that we are both warm and toasty.

I love my little guy but he sure doesn't like sleeping in his crib at night. Last night we got up at 1:30 and didn't get back to bed till 5am. I watched a movie between his snacking and even an old episode of X-Files. That sure brought back some memories. Also, Calum was fussy last night so somehow he ended up in our bed. We were all nice and cozy, even after Don got up and left for work. Calum and I slept in till 8:30 then got up for breakfast and our baths. Well, Calum fell back asleep and didn't actually have his bath till 11:30 but it gave me the chance to get caught up on some email.

Don's back at work today but is feeling pretty bad. Dakota has got a cough but is keeping herself busy planning the purchase of some new Chucks (some kinda shoe) and watching movies she has seen over a dozen times. Desiree is off at the mall then going over to visit her boyfriend. All is quiet and work seems many miles away. I've got a few invoices to submit though so I'll have to think about it sometime today. For now, I'm just going to sit and enjoy the snuggling. Happy Monday all.

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