Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Old DC is closed (for awhile)

Calum is free! The Old DC is closed for the summer. He's a very happy boy, staying up late to paint Dora pictures and sleeping in (going to miss his cartoons). Yesterday I had some work to do so he had to go in to the office with Don and Dakota. He made it the whole day - and came back telling me he was going again tomorrow.

Not much new for us. We are trying to decide where to go for a bit of a break this summer. The girls are interested in camping but I don't know if Calum will like it. Calum's planning a big party for Grandpa's birthday this year though. There will be Spiderman icecream cake, umm....well, that's as far as he's planned. Once you've decided on the cake, nothing else matters.

Now I'm off to do some chores before Calum wakes up.

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