Friday, February 16, 2007

He's got it...almost

Yesterday, as I was filling in the daily intake form at the daycare, Calum did something both cute and mean. Julia, a little girl on the toddler side, got a little too close for his liking. He told her "No!". He told her "Stop!". She didn't move so he shot webs at her "Peww, peww". Unfortunately Julia doesn't speak Spidey and she didn't move so Calum gave her a big push and made her cry. That got her to move but it also got Calum in trouble. Our Spidey has got to learn not to be a bully.

I am very, very pleased because Calum now loves the Harry Potter movies. He likes the owls, the house elf, the magic car and even laughs at Harry and Ron. I think he even likes the quidditch games. Now that is a true sign he is my son! He just saw it on tv one day and went over to the DVD shelf and pulled all the Harry Potter movies and asked me to put one on. He's smart and observant.

Everyone is mostly over our colds, finally. I realize just how bad Calum felt when I see how different he is. Last night was the first night he danced for weeks. When the boy doesn't dance you know he's not feeling well.

No other news, I'm busy as I have taken on extra work till the end of March. Don's busy as always. Desiree is starting to think about course selection for next year, grade 12, and thinking about college or university. Dakota volunteered at the school science fair and is planning on joining basketball next year. She attends most of her friends games.

Have a good weekend everyone.

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