Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Busy once again

Things seem to come in waves for us. One day we are trying to find a way to pass the time and the next we are so busy that we wish we could just squeeze a few more hours into the day. This is one of those weeks. The kids all have colds and Don has a touch of it too. Yesterday was a long day - the kids were all home and work was beckoning from my desk. Don came home early and took Calum for a walk so I could get something done. After putting him down for the night I worked until 2am. We slept in till just before 8 and today was a much better day.

I'm taking on a small project for my Band. I will get to set up a database that's a bit different from anything I've been doing recently. I'm looking forward to it. I've started designing the structure but am awaiting some feedback before I proceed. A couple of my other projects are pretty interesting right now too so I'm happy to be back working full time.

One of my favorite holidays is coming up. I love Halloween. It's the one time of the year that I really feel the need to create. I've already decided that Calum will be a cowboy/sheriff this year. I have made him a vest from a bit of leather that I bought from Dressew. I also got him a hat and a sheriff's badge. He has a large selection of shirts and jeans that will go with the outfit, even an outdoor check coat that will work under the vest for Halloween night. We've tried on the hat and he looks pretty handsome.

I'm waiting to get my hands on a funkin too. A funkin is a carvable foam pumpkin. You carve it and can use it over year after year. I've used Photoshop to make a template from a picture of Calum and have got my ever handy dremel ready to do the carving. I need to get to Michaels craft store this weekend. I've been pretty busy the last few weekends and haven't had the time. If it turns out, I will try to see if I can make pumpkins using baby pictures of the girls too. Of course, these will only supplement the real pumpkins that we will get when we go out to the pumpkin patch later this month. Calum will really enjoy that this year!

I'm taking the night off from work and am going to have a mini TV-marathon with Don soon. We are making our way through a DVD from Season 2 of "My Name is Earl". Last night, Calum watched an episode with us and picked up some cool break dancing moves. We caught some on video tonight and will try to get a clip to post by the weekend.

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