Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The results

are back and Dakota's bone scan showed no problems. It could be a soft tissue issue - ligaments or muscle. I think the doctor talked about orthopedic supports in her shoes.

As expected, we got the keys to our new place today and Don and I spent about an hour taking a closer look and taking measurements. The structure is great but it will require a bit of work to get it ready for move in. The owner's were tiling the kitchen today and the downstairs will be carpeted before we move it. It's just the walls really - some damage needing repair and perhaps some lighter colours. We took another trip to Rona for some cleaning supplies and to look for paint. We are looking for something called "Asian Pear". We used it on my office in the Stride Ave house and really loved it. Rona doesn't carry that brand of paint anymore so we will have to look around a bit.

Calum loved the hardware store and was busy picking things up for us to take home. Maybe he takes after my dad.

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