Thursday, November 17, 2005

Our little ebayer

Calum and I have been cleaning out his closets. We've sold some of his old clothes on ebay and he managed to raise almost $200. We are putting it towards Christmas presents for his sisters. He's been helping do some online shopping - he just loves hitting enter before I am ready. It will be interesting to see what we actually have ordered.

This Saturday is his last swimming lesson. He sure enjoyed them. I may get an underwater disposable camera and take some photos to remember it all.

Don is currently in Victoria. Lucky guy. It's for work, of course. He has to go off again next week for 3 days. Calum is busy teething so you never know just what his mood is going to be like. Last night he was grumpy and we did a lot of pacing. I think he missed his dad too because he just wouldn't settle.

No new pictures today. I may take some rain/fall shots next week. Anyway, I can't be downstairs too long because Calum's "where the heck is my mommy" sense always seems to know when I get too far away. He's napping at the moment but it won't last long so I'd better try to get some chores done.

Hope you are all having a good week.

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