Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Out on the town

Yesterday we took Calum downtown to meet a few friends. Desiree, Dakota and Chris came too and we all made our way to my office. After a number of photo ops and a quick tour of the office, we went over to Don's office for the UBCIC open house. By the time we got there, Calum had fallen asleep. We didn't stay long at either office because I didn't think Calum was up for a long day. It was nice to get to show him off again though. When we got home, we all decided afternoon naps were in order. Everyone except Calum. He was very excited about the trip and wanted to "talk" about it for a half hour. He was still talking about it this morning too. This boy is going to take after his dad in that department [just kidding honey, I love your stories].

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