Thursday, February 24, 2005

Caution - Feeling just a little grumpy

Okay, I’ve had enough. This week, while being relatively uneventful, has been a little too uneventful if you know what I mean. There’s been nothing interesting to report on the baby front, nothing especially interesting in terms of my immediate work issues, nothing exciting happening at home and it’s driving me insane.

Unfortunately, there is also not a lot I can do about any of this at the moment. The baby will come when he is ready. I’ve got to wrap things up at work before I go off for a bit so I can’t jump into any new projects or tasks. I’m too tired and sore at the end of the day to do much of interest at home even if there was anything exciting for an 8-month pregnant woman to do [and believe me, the options feel pretty slim]. Don comes home and tells me about his busy day, the girls come home and have stories about what they have been up to, even the cat had a little excitement this week when she caught a rat in the front flower bed. And me - well the most excitement that I had this week was reaching the 500 page mark in my book.

The girls have another professional development day tomorrow so today is the end of their school week. I’ve got a house full of kids at the moment with two of Dakota’s friends over playing with her in the next room and Desiree is upstairs with her boyfriend Chris. My darling husband is out with a friend and while I don’t begrudge any of them these enjoyments it doesn’t help the grumpy mood considering I’m still in my office trying to get some work done and thinking about the mess the house will be in when they all leave.

I think I’m going to take a page from Don’s book and turn on some music and loose myself in a computer game and forget the rest of the world exists for awhile. I guess it would help if I actually enjoyed those things but right now I feel like creating a little havoc so maybe it won’t be so bad. Tomorrow will be sunny and I’ll make myself go into the office in the morning for a change of scenery. I’ve also got a doctor’s appointment in the afternoon and maybe I’ll get some good news. Something like an earlier than expected delivery date would cheer me up right now.

On the good news front, my parents are now online. Welcome to the cyber world and don't worry, I'll pick myself up out of this grump after I blast a few aliens or something.

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