Monday, February 28, 2005

Monday morning blues

Monday again. It was a nice weekend here in Vancouver but I didn't get a lot done. The office is still a mess, receipts still have to be organized for tax time and work to be finished. Luckily, Don fixed the timer on the washing machine so laundry is done. We also finished the usual weekend chores like grocery shopping. Poor Don wasn't feeling well yesterday but is off to work this morning. Now I'm feeling sick again but hope it's whatever he had because it seemed to go away pretty quickly. Once Dakota goes off for school I'm going to go back to bed for awhile and hopefully all will be well when I wake up again.

The baby was very active yesterday. I had a little foot sticking out for most of the day and was being kicked like crazy. I wonder what got him so excited. I had a few conversations with him telling him to leave his mom alone but all to no avail. I sure hope that this isn't a sign of things to come. Oh, I also discovered that he has a strange reaction to tea. I haven't had much since becoming pregnant but had some with breakfast yesterday and with every sip I had an answering kick. We are really going to have to keep anything containing caffeine away from this kid.

I'm almost nodding off here so I think I'll take care of a few things for work then head back to bed a bit earlier than planned. I hope you all have a good start to your week.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

A sleepless night

Would you look at the time. Baby Calum has decided that he would much rather mom be up than asleep so I turn to the net to pass some time. To top it off, I've got a bad case of heartburn tonight. It's near impossible to lie down and get some sleep. I managed for a couple of hours but woke up just as bad as I did when I nodded off. The bad thing is I can't take much to make it go away. I detest milk and tums, my calcium supplement, just makes me ill when I'm feeling like this. So my choices are to ignore it or to get upright and kill some time till it passes.

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. This one was one of the bigger check ups. My doctor checked on baby's position and offered some predictions regarding his expected time of arrival. I was happy to hear that he is indeed settling into a head down position and dropping a bit lower but was dismayed to find out I am not dilating yet and there seems to be little thinning of the cervix [both sure signs that baby could come early]. She told me that some women are in fact experiencing both of the above at this point but that it's more common for women to go past their due date. You can guess how happy I was to have her confirm this news.

I left with directions to take yet another blood test. This, hopefully will be the last. I go back again next week for what I hope will be one of the few remaining check ups I will have before the little guy arrives. I don't care what anyone says, I'm still going to hold out for an early birth [heck, I'll take a day at this point]. My doctor has had a busy week - almost nonstop deliveries. She said that she's been back and forth to the hospital so much this week that she is almost forgetting what day it is.

I've been experiencing what I hope to be another side effect of pregnancy [not a sign of growing older I hope]. On Thursday Don and I were supposed to go for a hospital tour and I didn't remember till I was reminding Don not to forget about it. It seems I was a day [and half an hour] off myself and when Don reminded me that it was Thursday I was more than a little mad at myself. I even had it written down on my desk calendar that was sitting before my eyes all morning. Now we have to wait another week or two before the next tour.

Desiree's birthday is coming up. She will be fifteen on Monday. Yeah, fifteen! It must seem a very strange thing for her to see us preparing for a new baby while she's just a few years away from graduating from high school. While she's a very smart girl and is unlikely to jump at being in our position anytime soon, I must say it probably is the best example for both her and Dakota about how much being pregnant can change your life. After hearing me complain for months I highly doubt either will be wanting to experience this anytime soon.

In some ways though, if I were in her position, I think I would have enjoyed being so much older than my siblings. My sister and I are 2.5 years apart and by brother and I are 8 years apart. While I remember having my sister as a playmate, I remember a lot more about when my brother was a baby because I was old enough to see him as more than a rival. Don tells me that I remember just a little too much about him because I always have lots of stories - I'm just saving them up for his kids. I think our little one is going to be pretty lucky to have both Desiree and Dakota as sisters. At the very least, it will save them from their old fashioned and nerdy parents.

Well, I'm going to do a little more surfing and then try to get back to sleep. Calum has stopped his kicking at least so I may be able to settle back in bed soon. The heartburn is still there though so I'm not ready to turn in just yet. If I'm lucky, everyone else will want to sleep in a bit in the morning so we can delay the start of the new day. Our goal for the weekend is to fix the timer on our washing machine - the darn thing has been acting up all week making it a real chore to get a load of laundry done. Other than that, I guess I'll get a start on getting my tax documents together since it's almost that time again.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Caution - Feeling just a little grumpy

Okay, I’ve had enough. This week, while being relatively uneventful, has been a little too uneventful if you know what I mean. There’s been nothing interesting to report on the baby front, nothing especially interesting in terms of my immediate work issues, nothing exciting happening at home and it’s driving me insane.

Unfortunately, there is also not a lot I can do about any of this at the moment. The baby will come when he is ready. I’ve got to wrap things up at work before I go off for a bit so I can’t jump into any new projects or tasks. I’m too tired and sore at the end of the day to do much of interest at home even if there was anything exciting for an 8-month pregnant woman to do [and believe me, the options feel pretty slim]. Don comes home and tells me about his busy day, the girls come home and have stories about what they have been up to, even the cat had a little excitement this week when she caught a rat in the front flower bed. And me - well the most excitement that I had this week was reaching the 500 page mark in my book.

The girls have another professional development day tomorrow so today is the end of their school week. I’ve got a house full of kids at the moment with two of Dakota’s friends over playing with her in the next room and Desiree is upstairs with her boyfriend Chris. My darling husband is out with a friend and while I don’t begrudge any of them these enjoyments it doesn’t help the grumpy mood considering I’m still in my office trying to get some work done and thinking about the mess the house will be in when they all leave.

I think I’m going to take a page from Don’s book and turn on some music and loose myself in a computer game and forget the rest of the world exists for awhile. I guess it would help if I actually enjoyed those things but right now I feel like creating a little havoc so maybe it won’t be so bad. Tomorrow will be sunny and I’ll make myself go into the office in the morning for a change of scenery. I’ve also got a doctor’s appointment in the afternoon and maybe I’ll get some good news. Something like an earlier than expected delivery date would cheer me up right now.

On the good news front, my parents are now online. Welcome to the cyber world and don't worry, I'll pick myself up out of this grump after I blast a few aliens or something.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Map to Hospital

Map to Hospital
Map to Hospital,
originally uploaded by A : E : B.
Because we are getting closer to the due date I though I'd share some info for those of you who may visit us in the hospital.

Baby Bain is expected to make an appearance in the world on Sunday March 27, 2005. Here are some important facts:

- He will be born at the Burnaby Hospital [3935 Kincaid Street, Burnaby, BC, V5G 2X6]. You can reach the hospital at (604) 434-4211. The hospital is located quite near the Burnaby Campus for BCIT. If you are coming off of Highway 1 take the Willingdon Ave. exit. Head south just past BCIT and you will see signs for the hospital on your right.

- If you arrive at the hospital before the baby arrives, you are welcome to sit in the family lounge of the Birthing Suite. There is a cafeteria on the 3rd floor which closes at around 6:30 but there are vending machines available. Visiting hours are open in the Birthing Suite.

- When Baby and I move to the maternity unit, visiting hours for family and friends are from 12-8pm.

- Don can be reached on his cell at (604) 813-9709. If his cell is off, leave a message or try our home number at (604) 435-8804. Desiree may also be available by cell at (778) 828-2822.

- Because I am still awaiting my new Care Card, I am registered under my maiden name of Angie Shuter.

My husband the fisherman

native fishing
native fishing,
originally uploaded by A : E : B.
Another nice picture of a younger Don. Since I actually don't like the taste of fish all that much I am more than happy to have him teach our baby how to fish. Maybe if I'm lucky they'll catch more of the same.

Now I'm off to hide my albums so Don can't get his revenge.

Monday, February 21, 2005

A neat idea

My friend Anna had a neat idea on her blog []. Name ten things that you have done that most people probably haven't. In no particular order, here is my list:

1. Chatted with New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark about school theme songs while drinking wine [and being just a little drunk] in Napier.

2. Was convinced that when I was a kid I saw a headless ghost in my grandmothers house. She lived in a house that was once an old houseboat and it was dark and scary for a kid. It had a set of long narrow stairs leading up to the second floor and I remember looking up and seeing this thing coming out of a room and walking down the stairs towards me. Mom said I ran home and wouldn't visit grandma for awhile. I don't know if I believe it today but it is a pretty clear image.

3. Been propositioned by a French man outside of the Louvre in Paris while reading a 3-day old English newspaper and writing post cards to family and friends back in Canada [okay, maybe this happens a lot but you never know]. Got away from said man by agreeing to meet for coffee after I collected my parents from a nearby hotel because I was sure that they would also want to spend the afternoon with him. He suddenly remembered he had a pressing engagement elsewhere.

4. Made obsidian and bone projectile points for archaeology class using only stones to sharpen and shape them. In same vein, conducted an archaeological experiment on the effects of trampling on different types of ceramic materials by setting up a plot in parents garden and walking back and forth over the site for hours at a time [yes, I felt pretty silly].

5. Had boyfriend [yes I do mean Don] fly from Canada to New Zealand to propose to me. Have said proposal made at the top of Skytower in Auckland [after Don's repeated attempts to ensure we were facing west before he asked the question] and days later have an entire roomful of Maori sing us a song of congratulations on the engagement.

6. Had a close encounter with a cougar while riding bike around small community conducting a survey on community visits to a small museum for a math project. The cougar was not harmed due to this encounter.

7. Had roommates from Pakistan, Nigeria, Turkey, Japan, Eritrea, London, Germany, Sri Lanka and almost every province in Canada. You'll be happy to hear I also learned a great deal from these roommates, including how to swear in over a half dozen languages.

8. Spent an entire morning looking for [and waving at] webcams around Glasgow in Scotland just so I could see the places I had seen on the web.

9. While snowed in at college, helped save the day by skiing out to collect mail, wine and sushi for anthropology class party. I had to do it because several people had threatened to turn my pet sea cucumber into a meal if we didn't have snacks for the party. Also while at college, spent numerous days listening to Les Miserables with a friend while cleaning whale bones for a Grey Whale reconstruction project. It will forever be associated with that distinct whale smell!

10. After graduating from university, averaged 4 hours or less of sleep per night for 6 months while working as researcher by day and bookseller by night just to pay off student loan before the government would start to collect interest. During this time I also had several instances of working just under 72 hours straight because I couldn't say no to extra shifts. Ah, the powers of youth!

That's it. I've done a few more interesting things but as this is a family-oriented blog I really can't share. What would you put on your list?

Sunday, February 20, 2005

35 weeks gone, 35 days to go

I just realized that my counter is actually a day off. The baby is due on March 27th, not the 28th as our last test results indicated that we were off by a day. So, that makes me 35 weeks pregnant with only 35 days remaining. For those of you who measure time in a non-baby world way, March 27th is Easter Sunday. Or, if I want to be the optimist, that means the baby could come anytime after two weeks! Wow, the time is going by fast.

I'm not sure if we are prepared yet for just how much our lives are going to change when the baby gets here but I don't think we have much choice at this point. I'm getting pretty excited. For the first time in my life, the day-to-day things going on at work just seem less significant. I still get the job done but nothing seems as captivating as it did a few months ago so I guess I'm going to really enjoy the bit of time I will have off with the baby.

It bothers me a bit that I am less driven - I suspect I have let a few opportunities pass me by where I would have jumped at them before I had the baby to consider. I think that there is still the perception out there about the different roles of the mother and father. I've noticed it a bit with Don and I lately. We are both going to have this little bundle in our lives soon but for him the perception of it, at least to others, is much different. Nobody seems to be expecting him to take time off from work, or thinks that his priorities will change after the baby comes. He's actually been given more work to do. People seem surprised when I tell them that I am only planning on taking a little time off from work. I guess that it bothers me the most because although Don and I have agreed that having the baby meant that each of us would participate equally in raising it while still allowing ourselves the opportunity to have our careers, that's certainly not what is considered the norm. On the otherhand, maybe I'm just a bit more sensitive to these things right now as I get closer to having to step away from it all for a couple of months.

In pregnancy related news, the little kicker has been active this weekend. It's getting harder to bend over because I am very conscious of where his head is now and I try not to squish him. I'm still not sleeping all that well. I wake up often and sometimes find my hands are tingling or my leg is cramped or I just need to change position to work out some of the aches and pains. Unfortunately, I can only really sleep on one side so even if I do turn over, it is only a brief respite until I have to turn back again to try to get more sleep. Luckily, Don can fall asleep faster than anyone I know and doesn't wake up everytime I toss and turn. He will get his turn of sleepless nights soon enough. Speaking of sleep, I think I had better head that way now. The kids are down for the count and Don probably is too.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Mission accomplished [sort of]

Today has been a successful day afterall. Dakota took the shovel and cleaned out her room, Don and I washed the carpets [lots of cat hair], I finally put the wheels on the toy box that I made for the baby and moved it upstairs, Don did some plumbing work and fixed a water drainage problem that was threatening to turn our showers into baths and he washed the front window so that our neighbours can clearly see into our living room now. We also got to make a trip to Rona for supplies. There is nothing like a trip to the hardware store to give you a sense of accomplishment. We had to pick up some project supplies for Desiree and even got to leave with a 2X4. Something about carrying around a large piece of wood really makes you feel like a handy person [Dad would be proud]. Mind you, anyone who looks closely at my thumb nails will know different. I liked to hammer when I was a kid but my aim was always a little off. I now have two permanent reminders that some kids should stay away from hammers.

We've decided to tackle the recycling project in the morning. That will really give us a sense of accomplishment once we clear the house of all the bits and pieces that are currently blocking the hallway and are piled high in the basement. It's probably time for me to do another cleaning of the office too but that may wait for next week. I'm going to go back upstairs and see if I can't find Don's off button. It sounds like he's still working on the carpets and I've about had enough. Maybe we will watch Motorcycle Diaries since we haven't gotten around to it yet. He probably will be more interested in his box set though - it contains episodes from Unsolved Mysteries and is full of legends and lore about things like Bigfoot, the Bermuda Triangle, sea serpents and Elmo. [Okay I added the last one but don't you think it would add to the collection?]

Hope everyone in BC is enjoying the sunshine today. Our cat is finding it hard to move away from her sunbeam.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Clear or blurry?

Today was a day of appointments. I had my regular check-up with my doctor [baby is moving on down and everything else seems fine] then decided to see the optometrist to get some new specks. It's been awhile since I've worn anything but contacts. I do have a pair of glasses but while I was in New Zealand [years ago] they got squashed on one of my many back-packing excursions and now sport some lovely scratches. I figured I'd need new glasses if I want to be able to see the baby when I get up to feed and change him at night. I haven't decided if I want to be able to see everything during the delivery though. Sometimes that nice blurry edge around everything helps. I could also say that the delivery went by so fast it was all a blur!

Anyway, I got my new glasses and picked up more baby supplies including the remaining items we will need for our brief hospital stay. I picked up some film but won't give it to Don right away because we do need to be sure that we both understand no pictures are to be taken of little heads making their first appearance into the world. Nope, not something I want pictures of. Now when the baby comes out, that's okay. I also picked up the dreaded breast pump. I don't like the idea of it but I have to be fair and let everyone else have a turn at feeding the little one. Okay, it's been mentioned a few times that it is "our baby" and I will have to share. Dakota is even getting ready for diaper duty and just wants us to show her how it's done a time or two before she's set to go.

Don just got home from work and dinner is waiting so I'd better go. Tonight, our friend Greg and his two daughters are visiting from Montreal. Desiree is off swimming with friends but Dakota is here to help entertain. This weekend looks like it will be a weekend of chores - a final carpet shampoo before the baby arrives and a few trips to the recycling plant with all of the boxes from toys, etc. I don't think that we will get to it all till Sunday though because with all of the walking and shopping I did today I'm afraid that tomorrow is going to be one of those days where I do more of a waddle than a walk. Ouch!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Back online

Whew, it didn't take much longer after I drafted the last blog before I was able to get back online. It's strange just how much it can disrupt your day not to be able to connect first thing in the morning. I think I've finally gotten caught up and it's almost the end of my work day.

Poor Don suffered the most I think. He was offsite at a Chiefs Council meeting for most of the day and probably didn't have much opportunity to check his email on anything other than his phone. Today of all days too! We were waiting to hear the really-truly-this-is-the-final-word on the future of the NHL season today. At least working from home I was able to have the news playing in the background as I cursed all things in the e-verse.

Speaking of my darling husband, he's on his way home now and I'm hoping he was able to stop and get a copy of the newly released "Motorcycle Diaries" movie. As I promised to download his email to prevent an explosion of his inbox I'd better do that before he walks in the door. I truly hope tomorrow will be a better day.

A curse on all things IT

Well, our internet connection is down at the moment so I don't know when I will actually be able to post this. I've been trying now for about an hour and a half to get it back up but as Shaw was doing some upgrades this morning I suspect there may be a small glitch. I'm loath to call tech support because (1) it's never a quick and easy call, (2) they assume women do not know anything about a computer [I do indeed know how to reboot, refresh and reconfigure and do not need to be told how to do so in terms even our unborn baby would understand] and (3) it's not easy for a pregnant woman to bend down to unplug and reconnect the router and modem over and over again as the bored technician has you run through everything that you've already tried a dozen times yourself. So......I'll give it another half hour and contemplate my options. I hate to loose my morning, especially when I've got things to do for work but some days it's best to just admit defeat and head off to do some more shopping.

In other news, Larry and Tabitha dropped by last night with presents from Mom and Dad for the little one. Calum [we are fairly certain the name is going to stick] received two lovely blankets that mom had made, a beautiful sweater and a tonne of clothes. We are going to have to have a rotation chart to just make sure he gets the chance to wear everything before he grows too much. Actually, aside from having to purchase some seasonal wear and replace things like socks and shoes, I think that this kid is set for the first year. It's a nice thought as it is completely opposite to the reaction that we are getting from Desiree and Dakota who, in typical teen fashion, complain constantly of needing more clothes.

Tabitha reminded me that I still have to pack my hospital bag. I've seen so many suggestions on what to bring with you to the hospital that I have to laugh. If all goes well, I expect we won't be there for a whole lot of time anyway so what will I really need to bring with me for the few days that we are there. Don has been tasked to get the word out when the baby arrives so I apoligize now to anyone who recieves a call at some ungodly hour. Also, if you happen to hear a screaming woman in the background telling her husband to just get off of the %*&#^& phone, I suspect that would be me. I'm afraid that it's going to take a fair bit of convincing to keep him in the delivery room with me and not have him running off to give everyone hourly updates.

Well, I'm off to try to reboot, reconnect and reconfigure. Wish me luck.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone and a very happy birthday to my sister.

We hope that you all had a nice weekend. Ours was quite enjoyable. We did some more shopping for the baby. Desiree and Dakota helped us to pick out some toys. Dakota told me my tastes are kind of "old fashioned" and I decided to take that as a compliment. Don had to remind me a few times that it would be awhile before the baby would be interested in some of the toys meant for older kids. The baby isn't even born yet and I have a bit of a dilemma. I want him to remain a baby for a good amount of time so that we can enjoy it to the fullest but I also want him to grow up quickly so that we can see what sort of personality he will have.

I also told Don that since he already got to experience this all before with Des and Dakota that it would only be fair if our son was a "momma's boy". It seemed like a reasonable suggestion to me but I guess those words are never to be mentioned in the same sentence around a guy from Surrey. Equally unacceptable, according to Dakota, is that I even suggest our boy might be a bit bookish. Apparently she is going to do everything in her power to ensure that her brother does not turn into a nerd. She qualified it a bit though, saying that it probably will be a bit of a computer nerd since "everyone else in the family" [excluding herself] is. Again, I fail to see how this is a bad trait.

My "old fashioned" sensibilities were truly tested once again this weekend. After some wheeling and dealing, the girls managed to convince Don to allow them to dye their hair again. Yes, we've been through this before and I had hoped that they were beyond this stage. Des, luckily, has opted for a more mature look these days and sticks to black. Dakota however, is still at the age where she thinks bright colours are cool. This time she decided cool means having green streaks in your hair. See, here is where my old fashioned sensibilites are tested. As I recall, if you had green in your hair when I was younger it meant that something went horribly wrong and you had grounds to sue the hairdresser or at the very least have a good cry over it all. Now, kids want to pay $100 to have it done on purpose. What will it be like when our baby grows up?

So let me sum up what I learned over the weekend. Surrey boys do not like the term "Momma's Boy", toys that do not beep, glow, or have an on/off switch are "old fashioned", green hair is a "good thing" and being labelled a nerd still isn't fashionable. Is there any hope for me?

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Don as Baby 2

Don as Baby 2
Don as Baby 2,
originally uploaded by A : E : B.
An even younger baby Don.

Don as baby

Don as baby
Don as baby,
originally uploaded by A : E : B.
Don's parents have joined me in trying to illustrate just how "tough" Don was as a baby.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Sigh....morning sickness back again

I guess I spoke too soon or my head isn't hard enough and I should have knocked on a whole forest of trees. I foolishly thought I could stop taking the anti-nausea medication once again because I didn't want to mix it with the cold medication. Silly me.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Where did the weekend go?

The weekend sure went by fast! As predicted, we didn't feel up to doing a whole lot. Don and I stayed around the house on Saturday while the girls went to the Monster Truck thing with Larry and Tabs. We had a nice quiet time at home then went out for dinner. We were "resting our eyes" by the time the kids got back and were ready for bed soon afterwards.

Sunday was a bit more productive. I decided that it was time to set up the change table, which required the removal of a bookshelf and some rearranging of furniture. Don even managed to convince me that it was time to think about donating some of our books - not an easy task since I've had some of them with me since high school. I've moved a lot since then and have always carted them along with me, even if I've only read them once or twice. However, we did need to make room for the baby books so it was time to clear out some of the old stuff. It's funny how your priorities change when you have a baby on the way.

Don decided to tackle some of our strange electrical problems that we have been having in the kitchen and basement. We were just a little tired of having to replace lightbulbs every few days and having to tweak the light fixtures to get them to turn on. This repair job required a trip to Rona and also required a stop at our local Dairy Queen on the way back. So, we did get our ice cream afterall. I was suitably impressed with Don's repair job as I would never touch anything electrical even if someone paid me.

I had a nice chat with my mom on Saturday night. Everytime we talk she has some amusing story about my niece, Nicola. Nicola has always been a real character. This kid was just born with personality and really sees the world in a very unique way. She turned 5 at the end of January and told my sister that she was ready for kindergarten. She was very disappointed to learn that she would have to wait until September to enroll. Nicola loves to shop and I've been told that she's had a hand in picking out some things "for the little fella". I hadn't really thought of it until now but Jenny and Nicola will be the only cousins for our little one. At least he will have some great role models [including his big sisters].

Baby the cat and the baby in development were having another fight for space last night. It was a half-hearted attempt on both sides though. The cat was lying on my belly, thwacking her tail. This would get a response from the baby and the game would continue. I let it go on for about 15 minutes until I had enough and pushed the cat off again. In a strange way I'm going to miss all of those kicks after the baby is born. It's an impossible feeling to describe to others and is one of the most bizarre things you can imagine when you watch your own tummy jump up and down as if it has a life of its own [I guess it does]. I've had the foot or elbow sticking out experience a few times and that is really weird. It's very hard to picture just how he is positioned in there sometimes.

Well, I've got a busy work week ahead so expect we will get through another week rather quickly. Unfortunately that tingly sensation in my right had is still there and when I described it to my doctor she knew right away that it was carpal tunnel syndrome. She offered to splint it but I'm going to see how it goes this week with all of the typing I will have to do. I'm hoping that if I take enough rests during the day it will be fine. I'm down to visiting my doctor every 2 weeks now so will see her soon if need be.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Things still going well

Well, I've just returned from another appointment. This is the first time ever that I was done within 15 minutes of walking in the door. Apparently it is much quieter after lunch on a Friday. I even brought the 800 page book to pass the time. Not much to report for this visit. Everything seems on track. Since I've still got a cough the doctor checked me over and said I can take cough medicine with DM. The baby's head is still pretty much just below my belly button [which I may add is now an outty, not an inny] but seems a little lower [Yeah!].

Another small parcel of clothes has arrived today. I've placed a few orders from a place in Calgary that has an online store with stock that rotates ever few weeks. I've found some great bargains there and really like the clothes. Included in this batch is a small pair of rain boots. Now I know the baby actually won't really be walking through any puddles anytime soon but they look adorable and will keep his feet dry while we go out on some of the many walks I have planned for us.

We have a nice park not too far from our house that I think will be an ideal place for a daily walk. I'm going to need one if I want to stay sane and loose some of this maternity weight. This is the same park that has a path that runs along a ravine but we won't tackle that for awhile. Don and I walked it once and while it is a beautiful little walk on the way down, you have to climb back up about 200 stairs. I'm sorry to report we needed to stop and "enjoy the view", "tie our shoes" and "admire the folliage" a few times on the way back - while being passed by a small elderly lady going at a good clip the whole way up.

We've not got much planned for the weekend. My brother, Larry, and his girlfriend Tabitha are taking Desiree and Dakota to a Monster Truck event on Saturday. I'm going to take the opportunity to take my husband out on a date if I can get him away from his computer for awhile. Mind you, I don't expect either of us will be up for much of a wild and crazy time. I think perhaps he will be very happy with a trip out for ice cream - and now that morning sickness is no longer a part of my life [knock on wood], I think I'd like that too.

Have a good weekend everyone.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Can I have another one please?

originally uploaded by A : E : B.
Don keeps trying to convince me that he is not and wasn't ever "cute". I've been told to use more appropriate terms like "tough", "mean" and "scary". I've agreed, but only under duress. Personally, I sure wouldn't mind it if our little one took after his dad.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Fair enough

Okay, lessons learned here. I can see that I'm a bit impatient to get the whole pregnancy thing over with. Anyone following this blog knows I've not enjoyed it at all. This week has been full of other wonderful changes including a new tingly sensation in the tips of the fingers of my right hand due to too much typing. Typing! You know, that really strenuous exercise that is the most basic and necessary component of my work. I checked online and yes, this is normal for some women and it is recommended that you rest your hand as much as possible. Rest! How am I supposed to get anything done if I can't even type for an average workday? Now, I don't even want to get into details regarding my newly developed waddle. It doesn't last long but is as uncomfortable as everything else about pregnancy.

Don has also learned not to jolt a hormonally charged pregnant woman back into reality. I had to mention the cup just to get my point across. When we decided to have a baby we agreed that we would equally share in the experience and I'm just trying to think of creative ways of letting him experience the whole thing.

Personally, I much prefer the encouragement that I got from my sister. My niece Nicola arrived exactly on the day she was due. So ya see, there is hope.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

ok, let me tell ya...

You know the funny thing about Angie is that many of you know her as a down-to-earth person who is kind-hearted and generous. The reality, at times, is very much in point - the previous post!

Angie is really, really (I mean REALLY) hoping that our little one will be making his appearence into this world of ours sometime within the 2 weeks prior to his due date of March 27. All I did was to remind her that he could very well be born 2 weeks after the due date, her reply was a simple one "You better wear a cup!" OUCH!

The blame game

Don told me last night that both Desiree and Dakota were born later than expected. He estimated the actual birthday of our baby to be two weeks late. That would mean that the baby would be born as late as April 11th and that just better not happen. I know that very few women actually give birth on the day that is expected and that it all depends on when baby is ready to greet the world but if our son decides to make a late appearance, I blame Don!

I actually have evidence to back this up if need be. Ever since I have known him, my charming husband has lived by his own rules, including his own perception of time. Before I knew him, I was one of those annoying people who had to be early for everything. It's a family trait [I used to hate it because we were always the ones who were ready hours before any event]. So, you can imagine what it was like when Don and I first started dating. I would tend to be early for everything [first date was an exception and I expect to hear about that for the rest of my life] and Don would be just a wee bit late. Now, in polite society, being a little late is not a problem. However, when you combine that with the inevitable wait of the notoriously early person, it can truly try your patience. It's a good thing that I found out early on that he is well worth it.

Dakota also seems to share this trait with Don. In fact, she really lives in a different world when it comes to being able to tell time. If you tell her that it is okay to visit her friend down the street but to call at a specific time, you can almost always predict that she will either forget to call or will call hours later. The first time this happened I was in such a panic imagining everything that could have gone wrong and the worst of it was I wasn't entirely sure what house her friend lived at and didn't have a phone number. Another issue is bedtime. Dakota goes to bed at 10 pm - for me, this means she should have finished brushing her teeth, chasing the cat, talking about her latest sports injury, remembered that she had an important notice for us from school about a bake sale the next day, etc. and be in bed at 10 pm. For her, this means she will wait about 15 minutes until Don reminds her that she has to go to bed, wait another 5 minutes before she is told to brush her teeth, then come back and do all of the above and suddenly develop a fascination with the nightly news and stand watching it until Don or I tell her once again that it is in fact her bedtime. That kid never actually gets into bed until about 10:30 then wonders why she's so sleepy in the mornings. I must remember to ask Don's parents if this is what he was like as a child.

Now I know that my own pecularities are not necessarily a good thing. It's nobodies fault but my own that I have spent a good amount of my time waiting. Over the years, I've managed to relax to the point where I manage to just be on time - not too early, not late. A researcher that I am working with in Ottawa always laughs at me though because I call her every Friday at 1pm on the dot. I don't have to even identify myself, she just knows it's me. I tried once to call her a little later but only managed to wait for about a minute or two before I broke down and made the call.

The point is, as much as I know you can't plan ahead in terms of things concerning the baby, logic and statistics just don't factor into my own world at the moment. I was told the baby was due on March 28th and it had better come on March 28th - or even a little earlier if it takes after me [Yup, I was a born early - by a month and a half]. If it doesn't, well, I'm just saying you can draw your own conclusions.