Friday, November 19, 2004

what's in a name

Ok, we have been kicking around some names lately. I must say that all my suggestions for names have been REJECTED! Desiree is listening to Nirvana and has her room plastered with posters, all I suggested was that we consider the name Kurt and a middle name of KO (as in knock-out)...ok sound it out...Kurt Ko Bain...Desiree didn't think that was funny. Then I suggested the name Jesus...shot down...Jesus Bain...sounds good...nope.

I did mention these suggestions to a lawyer friend of ours, to which she stated that she would represent our son and would act in his best interest in terms of the issue of names. As such, when I suggest a name I must preface it with the statement "The one-to-be-named..."

My last suggestion was more traditional, He-Stands-With-A-Fist BUT Angie says that is sounds too much "Dances-With-Wolves" like.

So if you have any suggestions....

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