Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I remembered the password

It's been so long since I've blogged. I thought I had forgotten the password and gave it a couple of tries. Our old posts bring back some fond memories. The kids have grown so much in the last few years. Calum is now four, an old fella, and keeps us very busy. He loves video games, movies and super heroes.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Oh yeah...

I read over our blog tonight and there are a lot of memories here.

Geez, remember when everyone was emailing? Then everyone was blogging? We are all now facebooking or texting. Soon we will all twitter. What comes next?

A brief update. Calum is 4 years old and is forever chattering about something or someone. Dakota is now 16 and is yearning to drive with her new learners' licence. Desiree is 19 and is in and out of the house. Angie and I are good.

Let's see if anyone notices that I have added a post to Calum's News.