Sunday, May 18, 2008

Desiree is graduating

Michelle and Desiree in their grad dresses.

Calum and his garden

Calum helped plant these two rows.

Did I get that ant?

Whoa! Watch out for the peas!

Monday, May 12, 2008


It's been so long since I blogged that I hardly know what to write. We've been busy - work, chores, kid stuff. Calum is growing so fast. Desiree is graduating this year and Dakota has only 2 years left. Don and I are busy at work. We are looking forward to some nice weather for geocaching and gardening. The peas and beans are already growing in our strange little rows. Calum and I planted them all more than a bit crooked. I've been copying Calum's baby videos to DVD and will post a clip or two soon.

Hope all you Mom's had a great Mother's Day.